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Cat Behavior Evaluations

*New cat behavior consults can only be scheduled AFTER a 15 minute phone intake. You can try the "CALL" button to the right, however I often can not answer unscheduled calls due to being in a session or commuting. Pre-booking your call is highly recommended! You can do that by clicking on the  green scheduling link*


Many people get cats as companions and pets because they are known for being more independent, less demanding and "lower maintenance" than dogs. What some cat owners do not realize, or are not expecting, is that cats can have training and behavioral issues! (just like dogs). Almost all pet cats are not getting the amount of mental and physical stimulation they require. This is especially true for young, energetic, indoor cats. Because it is unsafe to let your pet cat out to roam (in most circumstances), it can be tricky to come up with ways to keep your cat's mind and body entertained while living inside. Often times behavioral issues are a direct result.


Most behavioral issues with cats can be lessened if not completely resolved through basic training (yes, a cat can learn to sit, lay down, jump through a hoop, and come when called!), some behavior modification and some good old- fashioned play. The trick is knowing HOW to play with a cat. (just dangling a toy in front of their face isn't going to cut it!). Many instances of what seems like "aggression" (especially biting or scratching of hands and legs), is actually not aggression at all, it's the sign of an under-stimulated cat trying to entertain itself!


I specialize in getting to the root of why your cat may be displaying certain unwanted behaviors, helping you implement and good prevention and management plan right away so they will stop "practicing" the behavior (and getting better at it!), and demonstrate some training and behavior modification techniques you can get started with to teach your cat an alternate set of behaviors that are rewarding for them, and less disruptive and destructive to you and your household.


 Common cat behavioral and training issues addressed during in-home sessions:

* Peeing or defecating outside of litter box

* Scratching furniture, carpet, etc

* Biting and scratching arms, hands, and legs

* 2 or more cats fighting in home

*Introducing to a new cat, dog, or baby

* Acclimating new kitten/cat into home

* Door bolting/ trying to escape

* Fearful, shy or phobic cats

* Hissing/growling/hiding from guests

* Jumping on counters, tables

* Stealing items and food

* Chewing blankets/other items, Pica

* Pacing and restlessness

* Crying and vocalizing at night

* Teaching cat name, come when called

* Clicker training and tricks

* Nail trimming, teeth brushing, ear cleaning

* How to carrier/crate train a cat

* Preparing for safe/low stress travel/moving

*​ How to harness/leash train a cat

* Aggression (fear based, defensive, or other)

* Attention seeking and nuisance behaviors

* Catio and cat room design (my favorite!)

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